I'm planning on starting my Frenchy bag this weekend, but I'm not sure how I want to use the fabric. I need to decide which fabric to use for the top exterior, main exterior, and lining. I have enough fabric for any configuration.

Here are the fabrics I have (all from Amy Butler's Nigella line).

I like 3 for the top exterior
2 for the inside and 1 for the bottom exterior..
I just love being asked for an opinion, better than a poll. I love to say what I think and not have to do the work or be invested in the outcome. :) Fun!
No matter what you choose It will be cute!
I'm not the person to be answering a question like that, sorry.
Hmmm. I'm having a hard time, but I *think* I like #2 for the main exterior, #1 for the top exterior, and #3 for the lining. But it's all so cute!
#3 for the top exterior because it's a smaller print, #1 for the main exterior, and a solid lining so you can use #2 to make a second bag. In the Making has a gray Amy Butler solid that might match.
I like your thought on the solid interior...I only wonder if using regular fabric on the inside would cause a problem. The other fabric is home decorator weight.
Well, what's your favorite of the three just in general? Not to oversimplify, but I'd say whichever one you'd like to look at most, day in and day out, should be the bottom exterior. For me, that would be #1 or #2, because I think those are the prettiest and stand alone the best. #3 strikes me as more of an accent (top exterior or lining).
I almost didn't post an opinion, i mean who needs my opinion on creative stuff. but i did make an opinion then come to see if the people who are actually talented and creative thought anything close to me--hehe, well, I feel better about non-design-self today, I agree with steph:)
What Julia said. And I see what you mean about the weight, unless you do find a solid home dec fabric weight.
i say use one or two for the outer of the bag, and then use the other for the lining. that way it sint so busy.
I think 1 for main exterior, 2 for top exterior and 3 for lining. I think 3 is a little too busy for the main exterior.
But I like the solid lining fabric idea (if you can get solids in the weight you need) because I think it's probably easier to find things in a bag when they're against a solid background rather than a patterned one.
I would use #3 as the bottom exterior, #2 as the top band and #1 as the interior. Though, try laying them out together in proportion to see what tickles your fancy the most.
Karen S
#3 is my favourite of all those, but that's my bias. I do agree with comments about scale of pattern and think the larger scale would look good as the main part.
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