I don't think I'm a fabric hoarder. I have a relatively modest stash (although more than I need), and I don't hesitate to cut into my most favorite pieces. But then I found Hideaway...

I first came across this line by
Lauren & Jessi Jung when I saw
Cherie's postage stamp quilt (I guess I'm blaming you, Cherie!). So I bought a charm pack (fabric hoarding's gateway drug) and decided I must. have. more. I found a really good deal on some fat quarters, and then I was completely hooked.

It's not what I'd normally call "my style," but I love the bright, fresh color palette, and it really gives me a feeling of nostalgia. It reminds me of my family's trip to Germany when I was a kid. (If I cite nostalgia, that makes it okay...right?)

Love the little deer...and the birds. And the gingham!

It's just so...pretty!

This print is my favorite. It makes me think of the hex signs my dad used to paint.

I honestly have no plans for this fabric. I'll used it eventually, I promise. Right now I'm just...collecting. (Hoarding has such a negative connotation these days! It's fabric, people. Not cats!)
Mary and I have been e-mailing about our shared
obsession appreciation for this fabric, and we agree that we haven't seen much of it out there in blogland. So I started a
Flickr group to see if there are any other enthusiasts out there.
What fabric line makes you lose your ability to reason?