Have you heard of
Quilts for Kids? I heard about it on
Teaginny's blog. It's a really cool organization that, in partnership with Downy Touch of Comfort, provides quilts to kids with serious illnesses. There are lots of awesome organizations similar to this one, but Quilts for Kids makes things a little easier (and more affordable) for the quilters. If you go to their web site, you can request a quilt kit, and they send you everything you need to make a quilt (except for the batting). I requested my kit, and they sent me a package with fabric and a pattern to make this quilt.

The organization collects discontinued (new) fabric for the kits. I probably wouldn't have picked out this fabric on my own, but I imagine they can find a baseball-loving boy who will like it. (Hope so!)

For the backing they sent me yardage of this baseball print. They don't send fabric for the binding; they suggest using leftover backing fabric. Instead, I used this bright red.

I was really worried about washing this quilt--most of the fabrics came precut, so I couldn't wash them ahead of time (not that I would have...I'm lazy like that). But I threw a
Shout Color Catcher in the machine, and it came out just fine.

My little guy thought it was pretty cool.
I really like this organization, and I'll definitely try to make another quilt for them soon.
Check out more projects on
Amy's blog!