I love living in Alabama, and I think the state often gets a bad wrap in the national media. This is why!
I'm not interested in starting a political discussion here. I just want to ask Mike Rogers: Are these gentlemen really the best examples of your constituents? Clearly he has the good ole boy vote all wrapped up.
Backdrop Bundle #2 Update
2 days ago
I thought the same thing when we saw this. And it also made me want to vote for the guy they were making fun of: "NEW YORK CITY?!"
I love that "Liberal's fund Segell." Someone needs a copy editor.
Mike should've thought twice before approving this message.
I roll on the floor laughing every time I see this one. "That don't fly down here" is my favorite part. At first I thought maybe Joshua Segell did this ad to make fun of Mike's supporters. --Marilyn
They've played right into our Yankee stereotypes of the South. Love the grammar. AUnt T
"That don't fly down here" is my favorite part too. That is hilarious. I mean, I'm cracking up.
Crap. I've actually said, "That don't fly down here," before.
Stephanie, were you referring to the spread offense when you said "That don't fly down here?" Because if so, it's perfectly acceptable to say. --Marilyn
Ha! Good one, Marilyn.
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