Backdrop Bundle #2 Update
2 days ago
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Stash Bash"><img src="" alt="The Stash Bash" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
It really does! I originally saw the preview for it when I went to see The Time Traveller's Wife and I must say that that preview made it look even more depressing (and scary!) than the tv ones do.
No thank you.
Yeah, most war movies are depressing, but this looks worse. Kind of like that stupid bad father one a few months ago with the guy from Nip Tuck. Who wants to watch someone be abused?
I know! I wonder who on earth the target audience is. Given the actors in it, maybe it's one of those movies they mainly make for the Academy?
Ugh. And the weird thing is that it's all really good actors in it.
I want to see this!!! I think it looks kind of good and dark. I mean, dude goes postal when he comes home!
Mmm, I just read all my friends' comments. Might I be a freak?
Yeah. Not a Tobey Maguire fan. And the subject matter.... You know when it starts with "based on a true story" that it will end ugly.
I totally agree with you about this movie. I'm usually ok with a wide variety of movies but there are some that I can just tell I would hate. I knew I wouldn't like Lakeview Terrace and my family convinced me to sit down to watch it with them... I ended up walking out of the room 45 minutes into it.
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