Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's a 197 followers/527 posts/new Denyse Schmidt fabric giveaway!

I was planning a giveaway when I reached 200 followers, but I say we call 197 close enough, okay?

By now you've heard of the new Denyse Schmidt line at JoAnn's. The blogs and Flickr are positively atwitter over this new fabric. (There's even a Flickr group devoted to it.) And, because I've never come across a bandwagon I didn't jump on, I high-tailed it to JoAnn's after dinner to find some for myself.

DS for JoAnn's
My store had all 21 prints, but I showed a tiny bit of restraint and only got a half yard of the ones I *needed.* (The quality is nicer than most of the fabrics you'd find at JoAnn's.)

DS from JoAnn's
On to the giveaway part of this post! I'm going to cut these into fat quarters and give one lucky winner a FQ bundle of the 11 prints you see here.

So...if you'd like a chance to win, just leave a comment on this post (international entries are welcome). Just make sure I have a way to reach you if you're the winner. I'll pick the winner on Monday using

Thanks for reading my blog!


AnneMarie said...

Whoa-ee! Awesome! Congrats on *almost* hitting 200! So nice to be in a bee with you!

Jen said...

I love your blog -- congrats on almost 200 followers! I want that DS fabric so badly...I'm in Canada and we don't have Joanne's here so I'm hoping that it will come to one of the chain fabric stores that we do have.

Jan said...

Yippee! I'm on a "fabric diet" and winning is the only way I increase my stash. If I win, and I hope I do, I'll be out of town until May 2, so don't think I'm disinterested.

Andrea said...

oh my!!! i'm also on a fabric diet, and would LOVE to win this. though if i don't, i may just have to break my diet and run to the nearest joann's!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

OH more fabric to try and win......thanks for hosting a soon to be 200 followers giveaway!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

ME ME ME!! I love these colors and JoAnne's is too far away. Plus I have been kindly informed that fabric purchases for the near future need to halt. So please pretty please let me win! :)

Thanks for the chance!

Anita said...

So pretty! I made the trek to a supper JoAnn today with a friend, they didn't have any of the Denise Schmidt fabric...

Dresden Lane said...

I want to see this fabric - can't believe all the hype about it already. So nice to see DS returning to brighter colors.

Staci said...

Wow! Really? You are sharing your pretties! Thanks for a chance at them!

Jessica said...

oh, they are lovely! how generous of you! thanks for the chance!

Paige said...

Yay! So sweet of you! I haven't been able to get my hands on any yet. I linked my name to my blog in case I win! ;)

Joy said...

Oh, those are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win some!

Lindsay Conner said...

So generous of you to cut into your new goodies! As for me, I might be headed to our large JoAnns tomorrow. :)

Sandi Crafty Planner said...

I'm glad I found you! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I've been following you forever... and not for the giveaways! ;)

But I am really hoping to find some of this fabric tomorrow in town!!!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

What gives? I've been running behind that bandwagon trying to get on. My loser Joann's doesn't have these!!

Kati said...

That's exactly what I did tonight after dinner too! I needed some Kona Coal to finish up a quilt, but I decided I "needed" some of these as well. I decided to take it slow. I bought yard cuts of three prints since I had three 50% off coupons. I have three more coupons for this weekend. I'll have to decide which three are my next favorites! Thanks for the giveaway!

ladmquilter said...

Wow thanks for the chance to win, My Joanns was already sold out of my favorite prints someone bought over 100 yards just before I arrived. Congratulations on your 197 followers.

Michelle K. said...

I'm gonna have to check out mu Joann's soon! Congrats for almost hitting 200!

felicity said...

Well how generous are you? Thank you!!

Karen P. said...

congrats on the almost 200, & thanks for the generous giveaway!

Sheetal said...

soo nice of you! All my 'reachable' JoAnns have none so far... :( maybe next week...

audreypawdrey said...

Congratulations on the 200 followers! I am sure you will be there by tomorrow! I love this line!

Kristy said...

Congrats on nearly 200...loving this new DS line.

Angela Nash said...

Me! Me! Me! This has been fun, hasn't it?! I can't wait to head out tomorrow and try to find it myself. I actually had to do non-DS stalking stuff today!

Carolyn said...

Yay! Here's to three more followers for an even 200!

Megan said...

What a generous giveaway! Thanks so much for sharing the wealth!

Angela D. said...

Congratulations on so many followers. I enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for the giveaway - my Joanns only had a few of the prints.

Junk It Folk said...

Great blog! Aren't these prints the cutest? Can't wait to make something out of these! Thanks for the give away!

Heather said...

I can't believe I've got the chance to get my hand some some of those beauties! I live over 200 miles and an hour plane ride from the nearest JoAnn's so I figured I would only get dream of them! Congrats on you milestones and Thank you for sharing the chance to have some of your beautiful fabric!

Megan said...

Wohoo! I think I might have to make a trip to JoAnn's this weekend! :) On the off chance I don't win this great giveaway that is. Hehe.

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

I'll help bump up your numbers. You won on Two Hippos and I would so love to win some of these! I'm gonna see if my localish JoAnn's has these.. ohhh ahhhh

Wendy said...

Just signed up to follow. I think I'm 199. Congratulations ! and thanks for the chance to win this lovely fabric.

Lara said...

Oh you are so kind to share! Thank you! I've been wondering how I could get my hands on these prints... we don't have Joann's here in NZ.Love the colours!

Lilysunshine said...

Oh! Being in the UK, giveaways and kindness of other fabric lovers are my only chance to get some of this lovely line!
Thank you for sharing!!

Miriam said...

Oh it would be so wonderful to, win, as we don´t have any Joann in Germany...
I love this fabric line!!!Thanks so much for giving it away!

Allie said...

I just subscribed to you via blogshelf, does that show up on your followers? What a super giveaway- good luck everyone

Charlotte said...

oh I would LOVE a chance to win these - it's the only way I can get hold of them over here in the UK! Thanks so much :-)

Carla said...

The talk is everywhere about this new line! I'm really excited about it and the giveaway, thank you!

Mitchgreen said...

Congratulations on reaching the 200. Would love the chance to win. Have been inspired by your lovely work.


RyanSarahN said...

Those are great - thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow wow wow, they are gorgeous, it would be so exciting to win some.

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Oh my, I would love these! They're so darn pretty!!! No offense to DS, but they're way prettier than Greenfield Hill! :)

Mama Spark said...

Awesome giveaway and look at you over 200 followers now! These prints are so beautiful!!

Caroline said...

Lovely fabrics! Its a shame there is no equivalent of Jo-Ann's in the UK (or if there is, there isn't one on my Island!) And congrats on the almost 200 milestone :D


mac said...

Thanks for sharing your gorgeous fabric.

Amber said...

This collection and my joann not having it are making are making me so anxious! I need it! Thanks for the chance and congrats on the 200 :)

Regina said...

Yay! You are over 200! Congratulations and congratulations on finding such pretty fabrics.

Susan said...

Yea for almost 200...ok 201 now! Thank you for the opportunity to win that gorgeous fabric.

pinkbrain said...

Lovely fabric, great giveaway! I'm follower #202! Woohoo!

Ashley said...

Congrats on making it to 200 followers!! Love the fabrics :)

Kelly Irene said...

I'm afraid to step foot inside Joann's now that they are carrying these. I really want them but just can't right now! lol! Thanks for offering some of the FQs to us...they are truly lovely!

Sarah Craig said...

I'm going to go check out my Joann's today - since I have a pile of coupons!! And you'd be surprised how many "quilt shop quality" fabrics Joann's carries these days. They may not be designer (although they do carry the occasional Alexander Henry print) but they are good quality fabric. I should know - if there's a $10/yard fabric on the wall, my hand will gravitate towards it automatically!!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Such beautiful fabric! And I'm on a 'no buy' month :( Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!

Gwyneth said...

oh man, i'd love to win!!

Loves to Quilt said...

Tomorrow is my first day off since reading about Denyse's fabrics at Joann's. I hope some is left! If not, I hope that I win your marvelous offering!

JuneBug said...

NICE! I love the dots and geometric flowers in this line, and great to know it's at JoAnns, so accessible!

And... now it looks like you've got more than 200 followers, so congrats :)

Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

Wow...beautiful...thanks for the chance :-)

Wendy said...

this looks lovely-I think I need to plan a trip to the nearest Joann's(only 1 1/2 hours away!) Thanks for the great giveaway.

**nicke... said...

i am going to joanns today to hopefully find myself some! i am not too optimistic...

Mikelle said...

Wow, wish i had a Joanns nearby to check out! Thanks for the chance to win!

Meghan said...

Wow 200 what an awesome milestone, and giveaway too!

Leslie said...

wow thank you so much for the chance to win this fabric. it is amazing....i am dying for a chance to see it in person. i wonder if i could drag all three of my children there today.

Marci Girl said...

As I post this you are past 200 so congrats! So I gave up fabric purchases for Lent, which I am failing at miserably. So as soon as I heard about the DS fabric (I was going to JoAnns yesterday anyway for some Lisette fabric, see I told you I was failing) I was so getting some! Well our crummy store doesn't have it yet, and they all acted clueless as to who DS even is! I hope they get some eventually....but who knows! So I hope I can win some, great giveaway!

Lee said...

I need to venture out to my Joann's and see if they have this - but my Joann's is a constant disappointment to me, so I won't be surprised if they don't! Thanks for an AMAZING giveaway!!!

Brooke said...

I've been waiting for my husband to be home to watch the kids so I can high-tail it to my Joann's and check it out. Taking the kids to Joann's is NOT my idea of a pleasant shopping trip.

Mary said...

pick me I'm fun! and I dnot have a joann's nearby...

Steph said...

I love this line and am doubtful that my joanns will carry it. Awesome giveaway!

MollyP said...

Woo Hoo giveaway! So glad to hear our local JAF has them in stock already. I will be heading that way next week! Thanks!

twelfthzodiac said...

Hey, You're at 205 followers now! Congrats :)
Man, I wish Canada had Joanns...!

charlottefata(at)hotmail(dot) com

Maria said...

Congrats on the 200+ followers! And thanks for the chance to win some of these lovelies!

Rebecca said...

Oh, love those prints! Thanks for the chance!

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

Woooop here's my chance and I am taking it with both hands. Since I have no access whatsoever to a JoAnns in lovely little Holland, winning these would be fantastic!! Thanks for this give away :-)

Sabs said...

I've heard do much about JoAnns, we don't have it here in England. The fabric looks lovely, would be so special if I could be the only person in the UK to have this limited edition fabric...

UBee said...

How exciting! Congrats, and I truly love those fabrics...I would love to win them, but truly, I think they should go to the sweet poster (right above mine) that can't get them in Holland, poor thing. ;)

Alicia said...

Wow, those look beautiful!

Bella-Boutique said...

These look lovely. I wish we had Joanns in England I'm so jealous because you have such amazing fabrics and we have not very much to be honest! I can get some nice fabrics but usually through american or Japanese import!

April Shae said...

Wow!! Thanks for running over and grabbing some of these, and sharing them with us!! My friend ran to our nearest JoAnns today and sadly reported back that they only had 5 prints :( So we will have to wait until it is available online to purchase the others....patience...uuuggghhh!!

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

WOW This is such a generous offer!! Thank-you so much for the chance to win.


Christa V said...

I am hoping #80 is my lucky number! Thanks

Laura said...

awesome! I wish i had a joann's closer. Maybe I can check one out this weekend.

Kate S. said...

So fun! I have been checking these out on flickr and have been thinking of making a Joann's run to get some... thanks for the chance to enter!

Valerie said...

{grin} I'm on my way out the door after work to check out the selection at my Joann's, but I'd love to win some, too! Generous!

Angie from Dear Spring Green said...

Whaaaaa???? DS is at Joann's? How did I miss this news? Oh my. Count me in! Thanks for the news and the chance!

Catskill Quilter said...

Yes, everyone is buzzing about Denise Schmidt's fabric at JoAnn's. Thank you for your wonderful giveaway!

CityHouseStudio said...

How fun!
What a great (& generous!) giveaway, Katie!

Lori said...

Great giveaway! Those would make such a lovely quilt!

Kirsten said...

These are lovely fabrics!!

Patty said...

Fun fabric. Thanks for a chance to win. I need to get myself out to Joanns more often.

Leah said...

I was at JoAnn's this afternoon. Every time I go I wonder if I'll see you there, ha.

HoneySage said...

I saw this fabric today at Joann's. I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some of these fantastic new fabrics. These beautiful DS fabrics will be used in a quilt. Something fun and modern perhaps. It's about an hour drive to reach a JAF in the next county.

Chelsea said...

Katie, this is so generous of you! And I'm so glad I found your blog (via flickr). Love your supernova blocks!

LisaT said...

Thanks for the chance!

Kate said...

Beautiful fabrics! & Congrats on a successful blog!

p1aceboeffect said...

How amazingly generous. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

(Love your Bottled Rainbow blocks, btw.)

Painting 4 Him said...

I would love to win this...I have been taking notice of these fabrics on some other blogs and would love me some...thanks for the opportunity to win!

rachandcarl said...

wow how generous. i would love these!!!

Jessica said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I would be stunned if I won this!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful fabrics! Would love to win them and thanks for the great giveaway

Lisa England said...

I've been seeing these DS fabrics all over the internet, but when I went to Joann's, nothing. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful stuff!

Melissa Corry said...

I have been seeing this all over!!! So exciting!!! I am so happy to have found your blog and happy to be in the new 200 group of followers for you :)

And this would be . . . . said...

Very pretty fabrics. Thanks.

Jodi said...

I went to my Joann's and no luck! thanks for the chance!

PolkaDotClassic said...

Wow that's great you found all 21 patterns. :)
I went to two Joann's and was not so lucky I only found 2 fabrics.
It will be nice if I win ;)
thank you and have a nice sewing day

Janice said...

Two hundred is a great number. I love these fabrics.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Well, I have been behind a door, yet I am seeing this fabric all over! It is gorgeous and sew many nice things are being said about it. You are so gracious in your give away.

Annmarie said...

Good to see that JoAnn's is stocking some better quality fabrics. These look lovely - thanks for the chance & congrats!

Kathy H said...

Those are really pretty fabrics. I will have to look for them on my next trip to Joann's. Thanks for the chance to win.

Michele T said...

I am a new follower and when I checked you are up to 212!! Wow! I look forward to your future posts! Awesome giveaway too!

tpott said...

Hi, Congrats on 197!!! I'm going to add myself as a new follower also. Thanks for the generous giveaway. ;>

Sallie said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the very generous giveaway!

Teresa F. said...

Wonderful fabrics. Congrats and thank you for the fantastic giveaway.

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a great giveaway! Our JoAnn's does not have DS fabrics, so I'd love to add these to my collection :-)

Rhonda said...

You're one follower closer to 200 -- I just signed up as a follower of your blog!! Congrats! And I LOVE the fabric giveaway, too!

Jo said...

WOW! Great giveaway! Count me in! Congrats on the blog hitting almost 200!

craftytammie said...

i am scheming a trip to Joann's (it's an hour or so away) but if I won I could just stay home and sew! hooray!

Anonymous said...

So yummy! Delicious fabrics.
Congrats for the 200+ followers and thanks for the chance of winning these gorgeous fabrics.

Carla G said...

Congrats on surpassing 200!! Looks like some great fabric!! Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway!

Hilachas said...

Wow! What a great giveaway. Thanks for sharing and giving us the opportunity to win.

Laura said...

Oh, snap!! Those look nice! Thanks for a chance to win.

Heartsdesire said...

Congratulations on over 200 followers (I'm now one of them). And thanks so much for sharing your fabric for an awesome giveaway. Wish I had a JoAnn's nearby so I could go and get some, but I'm sure by the time I got there, it would all be gone.

Anonymous said...

I'm your 219th follower! Everyone is talking about this new line - and it IS adorable! I live way out in the country far from Joanns (and have been asked to refrain from further fabric purchases) so I'd love to win these FQs! Thanks for having such an aweome giveaway!
Jacque in SC

VeronicaMade said...

OMG! What a generous giveaway. I just found out my JoAnn's has some of this fabric. So after work I'm rushing over there. Congrats on your 200 followers!

petiteblogger said...

Hi! Just found you on craftbuds. What a fun giveaway! I wanted to go over to JoAnn's but didn't make it when I heard about this fabric. Thanks!

Anne said...

Follower 220! I have seen a lot of buzz about this new line -- such a pretty collection!

Janet said...

No Jo-Ann's where I live or I'd be off buying some of this myself! Thanks for a chance to win.

robin said...

:) Lovely fabrics - I'd love to win some! Thanks for the chance! :)

Quiltjane said...

Congratulations on your double century of followers. Thanks for the giveaway. They are wonderful fabrics.

Linda said...

How nice of you to share your great finds!! Congrats on all your followers.

Natalie said...

Awesome giveaway-- I haven't been able to get my hands on any of this yet, and it looks so bright and cheerful in photos!

webmailaddress2 said...

You're well over 200 now. Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!

kitkabbit said...

Oooh. I would love to win! (crosses fingers) 200+ followers? I'm so impressed!

Kirsten said...

Such lovely fresh fabrics!

Barbara D said...

Pretty!! Pretty!! Congrats on close enough to 200!

Gene Black said...

Wooo are over 200 now. Congrats!!!

Pleaseccount me in the drawing for this lovely fabric.

Deb said...

Congratulations on your followers! Oh my, I looked and you're way over! I'd LOVE LOVE to win those fat quarters! Thanks for the chance.

Slovenka said...

Lovely fabric. I better check JoAnn's if I do not win. Thanks for the giveaway.

Valspierssews said...

What a lovely giveaway. The fabric is gorgeous. Will checkout JoAnn's.

Kristie said...

This is awesome! Would love to win as there are no JoAnns in Canada and I have been drooling over this stuff all over blogland! Pick me!!

Thanks, Katie :-)

Lisa H. said...

Wow - I've been trying to stay away from this cuteness since I completed the Atlanta Quilt Shop Hop and totally blew out my budget! Thanks for giving us a chance to win!

Kathleen C said...

You are so generous to share your cheerful and bright fabrics! I'm glad that Joann Fabrics is beginning to carry better quality fabrics. I'd enjoy combining these prints with some solids, playing until I found a block and setting that I liked. Thanks very much.

Kelly O. said...

oooh! crossing my fingers and my toes!

Melanie said...

Oh, it is so hard to use restraint when you find fabric you like! We don't have a local JoAnn's.

Melanie said...

you can reach me at

Anonymous said...

Super duper groovy.

Linz said...

LOVE that fabric!! It is beautiful!!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Love those fabrics

Svea said...

lovely fabrics, thanks for the giveaway :)


Riel Nason said...

Thanks for the chance! I'm in Canada and the nearest Joanns is 3.5 hours away in Bangor Maine ... not a drive I'll be making, but I'd love some of the fabric!

Joy said...

Thanks for the chance at these beauties! I struck out at my local Joann's so maybe I'll get lucky here! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! I'm miles away from a JoAnn's...wish we had one in Australia!! Would love to win some. Thanks for the chance!

quiltma said...

Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. And congrats.

Veronica said...

Those are such lovely fabrics. Please do count me in the giveaway. Congrats on hitting more than 200 Followers now ^.^

Nancy Sue said...

I am a new follower. Follower #225 :) Congrats! Thank you for a fun giveaway. Great fabrics to work on as we celebrate SPRING!! Finally !

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What beautiful fabrics! So bright and fun looking! I guess it'll take me about 475 more posts to reach 200 followers. Oh well...

Mary said...

Congrats on over 200 followers and thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Jo said...

I loved your paper pieced star last month. Fab give away and congratulations- see, people are reading!

tropicslady said...

Lucky find for you at your JA - mine hasn't received shipment yet and I've been dying to see this fabric in person - congrats on so many followers!
