UPDATE: Mission accomplished! I included the empty box in the photo so you doubters wouldn't think I just hid it. I feel much better.
Tiggsy Sighting!
1 day ago
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.thestashbash.com" title="The Stash Bash"><img src="http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q127/chris_warnick/StashBashButton.png" alt="The Stash Bash" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I expect to see an after picture when you're done. Although, you could just move the box, I suppose.
Since we're coming to visit this weekend there is no hiding it from us. I'll expect your house to be box free!
Maybe I should try this tactic so I'll go through the stuff in my house.
Finally! I can hound you about something. And thus it starts...
Did you come across anything cool?
I would like to see a 360 degree picture of the room to see if there is a pile of stuff in the middle of the room with an empty box in the corner.... Aunt T
PS: I would've trusted you.
What discipline!
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