$5 March Pattern & GIVEAWAY
5 days ago
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Try either vinegar or lemon Juice.
Wash your hands in the above - thoroughly. It helps
See, I'm a freak. I love that garlic smell. I also have an unhealthy love for garlic. Mmmm.
I don't touch it much. I do peel the cloves, but I put them in my garlic press and then I use a knife to scrape it off the press. I then use a knife to dig what's left out to throw it away. So I've never had a problem. But I've seen some kind of metal soap-like bar that's supposed to take the smell off your hands.
I love the smell and taste, but I don't want my hands to smell like it! I try to avoid touching it as much as possible (I peel it and then mince it in my mini Cuisinart), but I still end up smelling.
Thanks for the tip, Grandma. I'll try the vinegar. I've tried lemon juice, and it doesn't seem to help.
I guess it's just another one of my freaky quirks. I'm such a weirdo.
And I love this shrimp scampi recipe. I haven't made it in a long time, though.
Lauren or Taylor taught me to put the clove of garlic with the skin on in the garlic press. the skin stays in the garlic press. Works great. Use a knife so you never have to touch it. Your Scampi sounds wonderful. Aunt Mary
Interesting, Aunt Mary. So you just put the whole thing in the garlic press? I'll have to try that.
I don't know how to get rid of it, but I can definitely relate! Oh well. It is the spooky season. Why not use your stinky garlic-fingers as vampire repellent?
yep. MM
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