I finished up my Flower Sugar baby quilt and dashed outside to take some pictures in front of my neighbors' beautiful azaleas before it started raining (and before my neighbors got home from work to find the weird quilty lady from next door prowling in their yard...and rearranging their lawn furniture). Of course, it would've been more appropriate if I had a blooming rosebush as my backdrop, but alas, I had to make do with

I had some squares of the Flower Sugar fabric left after making this quilt, and sewed them together for a simple patchwork baby quilt.

I used some of Anna Maria Horner's premade binding again. Not the last time you'll be seeing this.

I had just enough of this yellow print left for the back.

This is a small baby quilt (about 28x35), but I'm glad to put the last of this fabric to use!
I'm linking up to Slash the Stash!