Did I mention I joined a quilting bee? A virtual one through
Flickr. It's for beginners. There are seven members, and each member is assigned to a month. During each month, the member in charge sends fabric to the others and gives instructions for making a block. Then each of us sews up a block and sends it back.
I got the fabric for the first block this week. It made the long journey from the U.K., along with instructions to make a 12.5-inch improv block. Eek. A little nervous!

The woman who has January is planning a ROYGBV quilt, so she sent each of us a specific color. My color: Orange. Sweet. I'll be sure to post a picture of my finished block.
My month to send fabric is April. I have a plan in mind, but I'm sure I'll come up with 15 different ideas between now and then.