Monday, December 16, 2013

Time to wrap up the Christmas sewing.

I have a few more things to finish up, but I'm getting close! Here's what has kept me busy over the past few weeks.

Pillow for Grandma 
pillow for grandma
 My Grandma bought a new aqua chair, so I made her a pillow for it using my mirror ball dots and the Modern Plus Pillow tutorial by Jeni/In Color Order.

  Stocking for Charlotte
It's my niece's first Christmas, so she needs a stocking for my mother-in-law's house. I used the Merry pattern by Thimble Blossoms.

  Road Trip Pillows
road trip pillows

 My cousins will be traveling with their little kids this Christmas season, so the kids are getting Road Trip Pillows. (Tutorial here.) I made them a little smaller than the directions said and left off the handles and rickrack. I put a few books from the Target $1 bin in the pocket, and I'm calling them done.

  Doll quilts
wallflowers doll quilt
My little nieces are getting doll quilts. I made this one using a charm pack of Wallflowers fabric.

And this one using the Downtown fabric line. (Thanks for the charms, Elizabeth!)

 That's all for now! I'm finishing up a few more things, and I think I'll have 6 (!!!!!) finished quilts to show you. Back soon. :)