Previously on Katie's Korner...
You gave your opinions on my Red Letter Day sashing. I made a pie chart and ordered some fabric. The fabric has arrived, and now I have proper audition pictures. (I see how the fancy quilt computer software would come in handy!) So I'm asking for your opinion once again!
(Do you think I'm crazy? Surely you do.)
It's pretty dreary here (is it not dreary at your house? can I come over?), but I'm hoping the photos show up well enough. I'm witholding my opinions for now!
Oh, and AmandaJean suggested that I add a thin border to set off the blocks, and I'm considering that too.
So, without further ado...
Bahama Blue. Let me know!
Cali & Co. Mystery BOM Block 1
3 days ago
Wow - I felt my eyes go pop! when I saw the black background. If you don't want to commit fully to the black, what about doing the thin border in black then putting it with Aqua, which was my next fave option.
To be clear, that "going pop!" was meant as a good thing. I love all those brights against it.
No... Bahama Blue, Cloud and white
Maybe... Aqua or Ash
Favorite... Black and Coal
I personally really love the black! But I know it can be a lint magnet and that it is probably not going to be the popular choice.
I liked aqua the best, but Bahama blue would be nice if you want to combat the winter drearies. :)
My vote's black, of course! But I will say the Bahama Blue makes a lovely and altogether different statement. BTW, I recently finished 2 tops with black backgrounds and with 5 furry and 2 feathered "kids", discovered that a damp towel in the dryer with the quilt for a couple of minutes takes care of the lint quickly.
I'm a fan of the ash and bahama blue...
and the white, but only if you add a little frame in black. I think it should be a little white piece, then a little black piece then the white... no, then the bahama blue. :)
but definitely... frame. :) (yes I did just try to make a lot more work for you)
bahama blue! Love it! next choice is coal - but I really think bahama blue is amazing with your squares!
Black! I think you should go with the black! Makes those bright colors go WOW look at how gorgeous I am!
Coal is my favorite followed closely by black in second. I think that the bright colors work best on the darker backs. However it would really depend on the look you are going for.
Coal!!! That is so edgy, urban, contemporary, and fresh looking - you'll start a trend! And you might consider the thin border in the Bahama blue, because it is really pretty with the blocks - but it doesn't make the statement that the Coal does. Bahama blue is beautiful, but safe.
Bahama Blue
in that order.
The black is awesome...very dramatic. I love the Bahama Blue too but it does make your aqua-blue blocks recede a bit. Squint your eyes tight and look at those two on the monitor to see the difference. If you are hoping for punch, the black gets you there. Really, though, with blocks this gorgeous you couldn't possibly go wrong.
I'm not a Bahama blue gal but... yup, nice!
I really dig the Bahama Blue, and I also dig the Ash. I think you really can't go wrong whichever way you pick, there isn't one that I don't like!
the black or the bahama blue. they are surely the best choices with the other fabric. :)
I love the black, coal and bahama blue!
My top two picks would be 1. bahama blue & 2. coal. The Bahama blue does make the aqua block recede a bit, but I kind of like the effect of that one block receding a little while the rest don't. A thin frame of coal surrounded by bahama blue would most likely be my choice.
very nice blocks :)
I thought that I would like white, but I actually love coal or aqua instead. All the choices are so pretty. How will you ever pick?!
My vote is for coal...but with a small border of bahama blue. Or white, but I really like that bahama blue with the blocks. Can't wait to see what you choose!
1st choice: Coal
2nd choice: Bahama Blue
I like the suggestion from Felicity where she said to border with black but have the rest of the bacgroubd aqua. It will be more work but I think it would pay off.
Wow, I'm surprised at how many people like the black. I didn't like the black. I think the Bahama Blue is my top choice, followed by boring ol' white. : ) I do like the suggestion of doing a thin border of black.
Bahama blue. White is a distant second.
Don't use any of them, just send me the blocks and you don't have to worry about it.....My favorite is the white because it brings out the white in the blocks, and second I like cloud for the same reason, it brings out the light blue in the blocks. To me the other colors are too stark and you don't have those colors in most of the blocks. To me the light sashings set off the blocks and make them what you see first.
I m not normally a black person, but i really like how it helps the blocks pop! I woudl go black in thin lines, or maybe black thin lines and then ALSO some white sashing. The Bahama blue is great, but maybe as a binding- I think it is maybe a bit too cotton candy-ish as the main color.....
No to aqua, cloud and ash- too washed out.
Black, followed by Bahama Blue. I don't know about any additional framing, there's so much going on in the blocks as it is.
I think my favorites are Coal and Aqua, but I think it totally depends on the look you're going for.
My favourites are white, aqua and bahama blue. I'm not a fan of the black, I think it looks dated.
For me bahama blue, NOT BLACK.
I love the black.
definitely the coal! love the crispness and the colours make for a very fresh look.
I'm actually surprised I'm going to say this, but I think I prefer the coal or bahama blue over the white like I previously said.
Least fave, coal.
Most fave: bahama blue.
Take your digital photo and see how they look in black/white. That will show you the color values and help you see it in a different way.
Bahama Blue is a winner. And I like the White second. Really not liking the Coal.
I really like the white. It's nice and crisp and the colors of the prints really pop!
I'd say a thin border of black or white with cloud or bahama blue sashing.
I love Felicity's idea of the thin border of black, on the bahama blue background.
I love the black! Or black border and then one of the other colors....
I like the bahama blue then the coal. But I love reading everyone's opinions the most of all.
White or Bahama Blue!
black. hands down!
coal or Bahama blue!
I'm totally loving on the Ash.
Bahama blue!
Surprisingly, for one who seldom likes black in quilts, it is black all the way for me. It sets off the blocks better than any of the others and brings the colours alive.
Coal or bahama blue!
My favorites were the coal and then bahama blue. Good luck.
Absolutely the Coal. It makes your blocks really pop.
And, making another pie chart? I liked that one! And for those statistics: I like coal (lthough I can see a winner already). Lovely on the photo!
Bahama Blue, White's trailing far behind.
I find that some of the blocks are getting lost on the blues. But the ash, coal,and lighter grey? Very nice.
I love the aqua, bahama blue, and black. Beautiful, bright squares - love your fabric choices!
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