I think the change between the first and second time I asked for opinions is really interesting. Before I showed the audition photos, there were tons of votes for white. Only three for black.

After I showed the audition photos, the votes for black and white pretty much reversed. I never would've thought I would like the black sashing the best...but I did!
I definitely had second thoughts. Like when I went back and looked at my original inspiration photo. Sure looks beautiful with the crisp white sashing, doesn't it?
I had second thoughts when I dropped some of the black fabric on my laundry room floor and picked it up covered with whatever linty mess lives in there.
And I had second thoughts every time I looked at my dirty old shed-machine of a yellow lab.
But I pushed all of those thoughts to the back of my mind and went with the impractical black sashing. And I think it looks pretty darn awesome! I really can't imagine it any other way.

I ended up adding a thin border of the Bahama blue around each block.

I was concerned about having the black next to the brown borders in some of the blocks, like this guy here. That's probably an old-fashioned notion, but I think the blue sets the blocks off nicely and unifies them.

I wasn't sure what to do with the all-blue block, but I just went ahead and added the blue border to it too.

I can't wait to hear what you think! You'll be seeing this guy again when I get it all quilted and bound.