Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It's only $12, but when it unexpectedly tumbled out of the dryer, it felt like I'd hit the jackpot!
(To be fair, it must belong to my husband, but I asked him, and he laid no claim to it. I know it's not mind! I don't carry around that kind of cash.)


Robin said...

wow. I am happy when I get a quarter. I would be walking in air if I found $12!

Natalie said...

Don't you mean... 'I know it's not mine." ??? There is an unspoken rule in this house that if any $$ is found in the washer/dryer it belongs to the person doing the laundry. And since that's almost always me, and the $$ almost always comes out of Rob's pockets, I see no need to make it a spoken rule.

Katie B said...

Yes, Natalie. Thank you for calling me out on a typo.

Leah said...

All I get are tongue depressors and occasionally a golf tee.

Tania said...

Money tumbling out of a dryer - by George it IS a jackpot. I take it you opened and closed the door a few times just in case it the jackpottery wasn't over?