Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On safari.

Another finish, coming at ya.

I used the Jack's Blocks pattern (the same one I used for Luke's dinosaur quilt) from A Bright Corner for this one.

The focal print for this one is Giraffe Garden from Mod Prints by Michael Miller. Then I picked out some coordinating prints (lots of dots!) to add some variety.

The back is...well, a little wonky, as you can see. I'm having trouble lining up my backing fabric when I spray baste. Any tips?

 Glad to mark this one off the list! I have two more quilts in the binding stage...hoping to finish those this week.


Heather D. said... 1

You're on a roll!! Love this one. Actually I just pinned the Jack's Blocks pattern this morning!

Kristie said... 2

Great way to showcase those big ass prints! :)

Marci Girl said... 3

Looks great!

Kelli said... 4

I am no help with the spray basting, but I love this quilt! Now you're a fast runner and quilt finisher! You're on a roll!

Sarah said... 5

Love the quilt! What a great pattern for showing off large scale prints. I spray baste, but sorry I've got no tips for getting the backing straight. I tend to guess and just go for it and it doesn't usually work!

Spandex collection said... 6

OMG its really beautiful. Nice to see this. I found some excellent fabrics from Spandex Collectionin NYC near me which was a nice weight, not too beefy.
Stretch Sequins
Glitter Stone
Designers Lace
Stretch Lace
Printed Spandex

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