Marking another long-standing WIP off my list! I decided to back this one in double-sided Minky Fleece (and I skipped the batting). As much as I loved putting together the top of this quilt--Aradia is one of my favorite lines, I got to put some honey bun strips to use (!!), and Elizabeth's Bella Patchwork pattern is fabulous--I truly hated the quilt assembly process.

I confirmed my suspicions: Minky is e.v.i.l. I had a heck of a time basting this quilt, and as a result the quilting is pretty dreadful. The 60-inch-wide double-sided minky was not quite wide enough for this quilt (which finishes around 62x75), so I had to piece it together for the back, which left a big lumpy seam. I wasn't sure how hand-stitching the binding would go on a Minky-backed quilt, so I attempted attaching it by machine, and I'm just not very good at that!

Now. Despite my many grumbles, I can assure you that this will be the most-loved quilt in my house because, after all, Minky is crazy soft and cozy. I just won't rush to back another quilt in it any time soon.