I admit it--I'm a hexy first-timer. September is AnneMarie's month in our Sew Beautiful bee, and she asked for improv-style blocks with hexies. I've been stalling on this because I've never made one before. I know, I know, they're really popular, but, before I got AnneMarie's nudge, I didn't feel compelled to make them myself.

Last night I finally sat down with the new Hexa Go-Go book and tried to figured it out, and my results are...okay!

Here's the block I made. So I can't say that I'm hooked. Don't get me wrong--I love the look of the little hexagons and I like the portability, but the making? Maybe not for me. Obviously, I need more practice, but it's just kind of fiddly. Am I alone here? Should I give them another try?
I will say that this is why I love participating in quilting bees--they push me out of my comfort zone and give me the incentive to try things I otherwise might not!