I have to admit, I felt a little...I don't know, sheepish?...about my superhero quilt after reading
this post. But then I remembered that this is a "know your audience" type of quilt, and I'm pretty sure my audience is going to lose his 4-year-old mind when he opens this on Christmas morning.

Besides, this quilt has Optimus Flippin Prime! Most of these crazy fabrics have large-scale prints, so I let that dictate my design. I framed the prints in a skinny white sashing in hopes of giving it a comic book look.

I used Elizabeth's
Billboard Quilt-Along instructions to make the letters for Luke's name.

I backed it in this Batman flannel from JoAnn's. I'm not sure what the official end-of-bolt policy is at JoAnn's, but I had to buy the end of two bolts (nearly 2 yards each) and the cashier gave me 50% off both. I'm not sure if she was supposed to, but I didn't complain! This is my first flannel-backed quilt, and I'm happy with the results. I did use batting, so it's going to be nice and cozy.

For quilting, I outlined the letters and then quilted double lines in the white sashing. I wanted to keep the flannel as soft as possible. I'm not normally a prewasher, but I did prewash all of these fabrics because I was concerned about the quality. (I bought most of them from
Fabric.com. The Marvel prints sell out quickly!)
Okay, I need to hide this before Luke wakes up from his nap! I cannot wait to give this to him in a month.