Finally! I finished Luke's quilt top. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. I was a little unsure about all of the red at first, but now I really like it.

I used mostly David Walker's robots prints, along with some Heather Ross polka dots, Michael Miller sprockets, and Cogsmo by Cosmo Cricket. I was able to sneak in a few precious squares of
Robot Red Rover fabric too.

It's huge--63 x 88 inches. There's about a foot hanging over the fence too.

One thing I need help with: I'd like to applique a red letter L on one of the squares. Any tips? I've never appliqued anything before. Would I do it before the quilting or after? Good idea? Bad idea? Any help would be appreciated.

When I set this out to take the picture, I realized that the backing fabric is a different blue than the blue in the quilt top. Der. I'm going to be okay with it.

Here it is, all ready to go to the quilter. I got a little bored with all of the squares, but I think Luke is going to like it. I'm going to try something a little more ambitious next time! Also, with quilt #3, I'm going to try to quilt it myself. I just thought this one was too big to attempt. I'll post more pictures when it's all finished up.
Head over to Amy's blog to see lots and lots more quilts!