Last weekend was
Stephanie's annual ornament swap. It's one of my favorite holiday activities, and this year didn't disappoint. You see, everyone brings an ornament, and we play Dirty Santa. It's always fun to see your normally mild-mannered friends turn cutthroat in the spirit of the season (wait, maybe that's just me). After stealing a great ornament and having it stolen from me, I set my sights on a cute little orange owl bell. Perfect. It would look so cute on my desk by my framed owl print.
So, with great braggadocio, I stole it from my friend Amanda, despite her "I just lost my job!" sob story. Spare me. I know the rules of Dirty Santa, and there is no pity clause! I was the second one to steal my dear owl, so he was going home with me. Score. Amanda warned me: "You better be careful of that owl! You have some bad Karma on your hands after stealing it from me!" Whatever. I headed home, very pleased that I was leaving with the best ornament of the bunch.
I pranced in the front door, ready to show off my spoils, when the little fellow somehow tumbled out of the box and onto the tile floor, where he broke into a million pieces. Curses.
So what did I do? Did I sit around moping and feeling sorry for myself? Well, yes, but that passed, and I decided to take matters into my own hands. I headed out to Urban Outfitters to find a replacement owl. Guess what? There was one of his kind left, and he was on sale.
Suck it, Karma.
My new owl and his friend (on sale, remember?) will be residing on my desk, year-round.